Net Broadcasting System


Home > About Net Broadcasting


NBS features independent films, full length movies, and dramas. NBS is a forum for independent artists such as local bands, dancers, writers, directors, sporting events and many more.

Get more information about our video services.

If you are interested in sending a video submission to NBS you may do so in VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C or DV format. Send submissions to:

1301 S. Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89146

You may also contact our programming director at If you wish to sponsor one of our programs contact or call (702) 499-9769.

We at the Net Broadcasting System hope that our network will be a source of creativity and inspiration to the world. The Net Broadcasting System, LLC. reserves the right to refuse service to anyone


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Copyright 2000 Net Broadcasting System LLC.
1301 S. Jones Blvd.
Las Vegas, Nevada 89146
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